Thank you for your interest in my work and thank you for checking out how you can help support The Adlingtont Channel. Here are some things that you can do that really help me out.
Firstly and most importantly, check out my YouTube Channel. By watching, liking, commenting or sharing any of my videos, you have done more than enough to support The Adlingtont Channel. Without an audience, The Adlingtont Channel is just some guy rambling on the internet. By watching and getting involved, you help me and encourage me to keep doing what I do. If you'd like to get even more involved in the community, check out my Twitter Feed. I don't always tweet, but I read all your responses and listen to all your feedback. If I need to really gauge the community response or need your opinions and help on something, Twitter is where I go. So be sure to keep an eye on my Twitter feed. You can also head on over to my Patreon page. There are some great rewards on their. If you enjoy my videos, committing just the price of a coffee a month goes a long way and offers huge support. If you're afraid of commitment, another way you can support The Adlingtont Channel is via donations. All donations support The Adlingtont Channel. If you wish to remain anonymous, or use a different name, please mention in the note section of the donation. There is a donation link on all my videos and on my website in the upper right. Do you have free time but not free money? That's fine! Tad is a great little app. Watch a few minutes of commercials every once and a while and Tad pays Creators like me money. It's free, fast and takes only a couple of minutes. It's best to click that link from a smart phone or tablet but it can also text you a link to the app. Best of all, Tad's adverts aren't just nonsense, they are hand picked by people at Tad, and if you don't like adverts about certain things, you can skip them or vote them negatively. If you'd like to purchase some Adlingtont branded merchandise, I have recently opened up a Spreadshirt Shop and could certainly do with your feedback on it. Finally, you can also give the gift of games to my Steam Account. If you gift a game to my account, I will try to get some videos of it recorded for the channel where you will be thanked for sending me the game. Extra special thanks if the game happens to be one on my Wishlist. If I happen to own a game that is gifted, or I am not interested in playing the game, I will try to get the gift back to you or use the game in a giveaway. For right now, you'll have to add me as a friend to gift items on Steam, let me know via Twitter or the contact form on my website if I seem to miss your friend request. |